
Workshops have been an important part of both the Hypertext and the Digital Libraries programs in years past. This year is no exception. Workshops provide participants with an opportunity to "get their hands dirty" in a tightly focused group. In addition to workshops associated either with HT '00 or DL '00, there are two "cross-conference" workshops this year.
If you have any questions regarding a workshop, please contact the workshop organizers directly. The contact information is found at the individual workshop pages.
Information about pricing can be found on the Registration page.
You must have the permission of the organizer of a workshop to register for that workshop. If you would like to register for a workshop, contact the organizer of that workshop and ask for the workshop's registration code. You will need to include this information when registering for the conference(s) and/or workshops(s).
- W1. Open Hypermedia Systems 6
Time: Tuesday, May 30 (full day)
This workshop will consider all aspects of open hypermedia systems, but will focus especially on front end applications and middle-ware services.
- W2. Information Doors: Where Information Search and Hypertext Link
Time: Tuesday, May 30 (full day)
The purpose of this workshop is to tackle the problem of creating new hypertexts on-the-fly for representing other hypertext documents in the context of search results.
- W3. Hypertext Writers - Message Morphs the Media
Time: Tuesday, May 30 (full day)
This workshop will feature different sessions concerning producing a hypertext, strategies of hypertext writing, software for writing, and hypertext writing criticism.
- W4. Structural Computing 2
Time: Saturday, June 3 (full day)
This workshop will focus on collecting structural computing requirements, the application of structural computing to real problems, and reports on prototypes and infrastructure.
- W5. Extending Interoperability in Digital Libraries: Building on the Open Archives Initiative (OAI)
Time: Saturday, June 3 (full day)
The Open Archives Initiative has been set up to discuss and solve matters of interoperability among author self-archiving solutions. This workshop will continue and extend the work of the first meeting of the initiative, held October 1999 in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA.
- W6. HyNIC: ACM SIGWEB's Digital Library Project (formerly Virtual Documents)
Time: Saturday, June 3 (full day)
We would like to invite all members of the SIGWEB community and others interested in Digital Libraries to a planning workshop to coordinate the design and implementation of SIGWEB's Digital Library project: HyNIC. The workshop is growing out of an initial planning meeting held in April. (The Virtual Documents workshop has been recast as the HyNIC workshop.)
- W7. Networked Knowledge Organization Systems / Sources
Time: Wednesday, June 7 (full day)
The goal of the NKOS activity is to develop a community of researchers and developers who are working toward creating interactive Knowledge Organization Systems accessible over the Web. This includes thesaurus and ontology developers, digital library and information infrastructure developers, information scientists, and library professionals.