Be a student volunteer for Hypertext 2000 or Digital Libraries 2000. Even better, volunteer for both and get twice the benefit!
Student volunteers receive free registration to the conference, a copy of the proceedings, and will be able to attend all conference-related events. I can't promise food every night, but will try to arrange for at least a few "pizza evenings," as we will no doubt have to work late sometimes. Volunteers will be able to declare their preferences for tutorials, either for attendance or duty. While we can't guarantee that everyone will be able to be at every session and tutorial they want, we will do our very best. We try to make any extra copies of tutorial notes available to volunteers, depending on availability and demand.
The nominal workload for a student volunteer is 20 hours per conference.
All student volunteers will get (coveted) SV T-shirts in a distinctive color.
The best benefit of being a volunteer is to have a chance to interact with the leaders in the field, both informally and formally. It's a great way to make contacts researchers and students at other institutions. The work and contacts gained by being a volunteer can also help you to get the hang of attending a conference if you're new to it, or to use your experience to make things smoother for everyone if you're an old hand. We will also organize a room-sharing mailing list so that people can save money on accommodations.
Non-students who need to volunteer in order to be able to afford to attend the conference are also be allowed, space permitting, so don't be shy -- if volunteering is the only way you can make the conference, ask, and you may well be able to make it after all.
For more information on volunteering, contact .