The SIGWEB Douglas Engelbart Best Paper Award is given for the best paper at the annual ACM Hypertext conference. It is named after Douglas C. Engelbart, in recognition of his life's work and contributions to the field of hypertext, and is sponsored by Knowledge Systems, Inc.


The SIGWEB Ted Nelson Newcomer Award is given for the best "newcomer" paper at the annual ACM Hypertext conference written solely by authors who have never published in earlier ACM Hypertext conferences. The award is named after Theodor H. Nelson, in recognition of his numerous contributions to the field of hypertext and hypermedia over the last 35 years, and is sponsored by the Journal of Digital Information (JoDI) and SIGWEB.


Award Sponsors

Knowledge Systems   Knowledge Systems Inc.
Journal of Digital Information
ACM SIG on Hypertext, Hypermedia, and the Web.

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Last modified: Thursday, 06-Apr-2000 00:29:09 MDT
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