
The official airline of both HT '00 and DL '00 is American Airlines. If you mention our travel code when making your travel reservations, you can receive discounted fares on American Airlines flights to and from the conference and with Avis Car Rental. From its hub in Dallas/Fort Worth, American Airlines has frequent connections to San Antonio.


Our travel code is 9950UZ.

If you are arriving by plane into San Antonio and are not renting a car, you can take either a shuttle bus or a taxi into downtown and/or to the Menger. See San Antonio International Airport for more details, including ground transportation information.

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Last modified: Tuesday, 21-Mar-2000 00:52:34 MET
news call for participation submissions mentoring awards technical program tutorials keynotes workshops demos and readings exhibits schedule registration student volunteers conference location travel accommodation sponsors committees related events and sites mirror information press releases