
Pre-registration has now been closed. Registrations can now only occur on-site. You can still register for any event on-site.

The registration rates are as follows:

  HT '00 DL '00 half-day tutorial full-day tutorial workshop
  early late early late early late early late early late
ACM member $395 $445 $335 $385 $165 $185 $330 $370 $70 $80
non-member $445 $495 $385 $435 $185 $205 $370 $410 $70 $80
student $205 $235 $145 $165 $125 $125 $250 $250 $70 $80
one day $285 $285 $225 $225 - - - - - -

To qualify for the early rate, registrations must be received by May 1.

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Last modified: Wednesday, 22-Mar-2000 23:52:08 MET
news call for participation submissions mentoring awards technical program tutorials keynotes workshops demos and readings exhibits schedule registration student volunteers conference location travel accommodation sponsors committees related events and sites mirror information press releases