
Hypertext 2000, Doctoral Consortium


The HT00 Doctoral Consortium is an opportunity for a group of PhD students to explore the common ground amongst their research interests together with established researchers. The objectives of the consortium are to provide a setting for mutual feedback on participants' current research and future direction and to develop a supportive community of scholars and a spirit of collaborative research.

The Consortium will consist of a Workshop held during the conference and a Virtual Workshop held via the Internet in the weeks preceding the conference. There will also be social events held at the conference.

Doctoral students in an advanced stage of their studies (beyond proposal stage) are invited to apply for participation in this event. About a dozen students will be invited to participate. Each student will be expected to give a research presentation at the workshop and to prepare materials to be distributed for the Virtual Workshop.

To apply, email a CV, a letter of recommendation from your advisor/supervisor and a position statement of about 1000 words to the .

[ news ] [ call for participation ] [ submissions ] [ mentoring ] [ awards ] [ exhibits ]
[ technical program ] [ keynotes ] [ tutorials ] [ workshops ] [ demos & readings ]
[ schedule ] [ registration ] [ conference location ] [ travel ] [ accomodation ] [ student volunteers ]
[ sponsors ] [ committees ] [ related events & sites ] [ press releases ] [ mirror information ]
Last modified: Saturday, 26-Feb-2000 02:24:30 MET
news call for participation submissions mentoring awards technical program tutorials keynotes workshops demos and readings exhibits schedule registration student volunteers conference location travel accommodation sponsors committees related events and sites mirror information press releases